Working with cattle
SEGES provides English-language films, online courses, articles, fact sheets and much more for free so that you can update your knowledge on how to work with cattle.
SEGES provides English-language films, online courses, articles, fact sheets and much more for free so that you can update your knowledge on how to work with cattle.
Improving claw health on the cattle farm requires a systematic approach. This checklist will help you.
DMS gives an overview of the cattle production. And with SmartKoen you can make registrations directly in the barn.
Optimal milking routines are crucial for both good udder health and good milk quality. Read about how to achieve best practice milking routines.
Learn how to assess if the cow needs your assistance – and how to support the calf in the best possible way immediately after birth.
Antibiotics or other medicinal residues in the milk are unacceptable. Read about the most important precautions to take to avoid antibiotics or medicinal residues in both milking parlors and robotic milking.
What are cells in the milk? What is a cell count? How do cells influence the milk and how do you reduce a high cell count? Get you answers here.
Diarrhea causes a lifelong setback in the calf. Therefore, hygiene should be very highly prioritized for both bull and heifer calves.
What are bacteria? What does the total bacteria count indicate? How does it affect the milk? And how do you reduce an increased total bacteria count? Get the answers here.
Dairy towels are crucial for good udder health. However, worn towels and washing at too low temperatures quickly transform expert teat drying into a source for spreading infections.