Calendar: Topics for safety on the farm
Find inspiration for topics on safety on the farm in our safety calendar. Each month has its own topic like handling cattle, handling chemicals or what to do in case of an accident.
Find inspiration for topics on safety on the farm in our safety calendar. Each month has its own topic like handling cattle, handling chemicals or what to do in case of an accident.
This page is for all – including farmers, workers, and advisors – who are interested in health and safety, the working environment and management at international farms (with workers from several countries). It is constructed specifically for farmers and workers at international farms that have a safety calendar.
The calendar is intended to be a safety discussion and dialogue tool, to be used at for example planning meetings. We suggest that you hang up the calendar next to a whiteboard in the barn, or in the lunchroom. Each month has a specific safety topic, and below you will find information about the topics. You can access the monthly topic and information directly from the calendar via the QR code.
If you would like a safety calendar to hang up at your farm, or should you have comments, questions, or suggestions for the topics and information provided, please feel free to contact us (contact details below).
This month concerns house rules at the farm. Here you will find inspiration concerning the farm’s workplace culture and the ways in which you can create a healthy working environment. In the links below you will find inspiration for this theme:
Tips for a good start at a Danish farm
Work environment cards - Off to a good start (pdf)
Working in Denmark? Danisk culture for foreign workers (pdf)
Sæt ord på uskrevne spilleregler og arbejdsmetoder, når du ansætter internationale medarbejdere
Mindsk dine produktionsrisici ved at skabe en god arbejdsplads
Husk landbrugspraktikanternes uddannelse i Danmark
Få styr på arbejdsmiljøet i landbruget (pdf)
Arbejdsmiljøarbejdet – hvordan gribes det an! (pdf)
This month concerns the greatest safety risks at the farm. This includes ways to identify and assess risks, and how to manage risks. The links below provide inspiration for this theme:
Case og faktaark: Sådan undgår du arbejdsulykker i landbruget
Sådan afdækker du de menneskelige risici for dit landbrug
Minilæsseren er uundværlig – sådan bruger du den sikkert
Kører du med sikkerhedssele på din minilæsser?
Undgå ulykker ved korrekt håndtering af halmballer
Undgå ulykker med foderblanderen
Arbejdsmiljø for landbrug
Find værktøjer til at arbejde sikkert i landbruget
Sådan udarbejder du en APV (arbejdspladsvurdering)
S’et i ESG: Få et værktøj du kan måle arbejdsforhold på i din virksomhed
Gravid med job
Det sker oftere end man skulle tro (pdf)
Health and safety risk assessment checklist (pdf)
This month concerns safe cattle handling. Handling cattle may cause serious accidents. You can prevent accidents by handling cattle correctly and safely. The links below provide inspiration on how to do this:
Mange ulykker med dyr i landbruget
Sikker håndtering – en genvej til færre ulykker og roligere dyr
Case og faktaark: Sådan undgår du arbejdsulykker i landbruget
This month concerns safe handling of medication and needles. When working with needles there is a risk of injection yourself. The links below provide inspiration for safe needle handling and treating animals in a safe way:
Ramt af kanyle (pdf)
Faktaark om sikkerhed ved behandling af store dyr (pdf)
This month concerns safety instructions. Safety instructions are both essential and a legal requirement when talking health and safety. It is of utmost importance that all workers are adequately instructed on how to work safely. The links below provide inspiration for giving safety instructions:
Undgå arbejdsulykker ved at oplære dine medarbejdere
Husk værnemidler når du har risikobetonede arbejdsopgaver i landbruget
Bedre ledelse af internationale medarbejdere (pdf), see page 4
This month concerns teamwork. Teamwork is essential to everyday farmwork, but successful teamwork may nonetheless be challenging to realise. The links below provide inspiration on how to create good teamwork:
Work environment cards - Off to a good start (pdf)
Sådan kan du skabe en attraktiv, international arbejdsplads i landbruget
Case: Vi skal have en positiv tilgang og lære af hinanden på bedriften
Skab opmærksomhed omkring sikkerhed og inkludér bedriftens medarbejdere
Har din virksomhed en krænkelsespolitik?
Case: Tillid og ansvar motiverer Annika og Mattias i deres arbejde på kvægbedriften
This month concerns chemicals. Chemicals pose dangers to farmworkers, and correct handling of chemicals is essential to health and safety. In the links below you will find inspiration for safe handling of chemicals:
Sådan laver du din kemiske APV
Håndterer du faremærket kemi korrekt?
Sådan håndterer og opbevarer du svovlsyre på bedriften
STOP OP: Når du håndterer kemi og kemiske processer (pdf)
Sikkerhed ved håndtering af kemikalier (pdf)
Sikkerhed ved håndtering af syre (pdf)
Sikkerhed under arbejde i mælketanke (pdf)
This month concerns alone work. Farms today are often large, and workers may often have to carry out tasks on their own. There are nonetheless measures to take to ensure that workers may get help, when working alone. The link below concerns this:
This month concerns near-misses; that is, accidents that almost happened. Such near-miss accidents are a great source of learning, and the links below provide inspiration on how to learn from near-miss accidents:
This month concerns slurry. Slurry and gases may pose a great danger to workers, if not handled correctly. The links below provide information on safe handling of slurry:
Vejledning til sikker gyllehåndtering - sundhedsrisiko og personlige værnemidler
Undgå gyllegas med sikker gyllehåndtering
Husk omrøring i gyllen og undgå giftig svovlbrinte
Få en sikkerhedspakke der forebygger ulykker med gyllegas
STOP OP: Når du arbejder med gylle (pdf)
Kvægstald: Gyllegasser er én af årsagerne til dødsulykker i landbruget (pdf)
This month concerns steps to take if an accident happens. Many are not aware of who to contact in case of an accident, and how to report an accident. The links below provide step-by-step information on this:
Hvorfor er det vigtigt at anmelde arbejdsulykker i landbruget?
Anmeldelse af arbejdsulykker i landbruget
Krav til landbrugsbedriften som arbejdsplads ved ulykker
Tips for a good start at a Danish farm
Kontakt socialkonsulenter eller arbejdsmiljøkonsulenter ved arbejdsulykker
Lær af arbejdsulykken – Se mulighederne for at forebygge
This month concerns business. Being too busy is often provided as a main reason for an accident. But firstly, work must be organised in a way that allows safe work. And secondly, workers sometimes feel they must work fast to be “good workers”. The links below provide inspiration on how to mitigate the consequences of business.
Mental Sundhed i Landbruget: Forebyg stress på bedriften
Om stor arbejdsmængde og tidspres
Stress skal forebygges: Arbejdstilsynet klar med ny vejledning om stor arbejdsmængde og tidspres